Randolph Central School Student School Board Representative
The Randolph Central School District values the voices of students. In an effort to encourage student involvement and promote communications between the students of the district and the school board, a student representative will be appointed every year to serve on the school board as a non-voting member. The district and the school board believe that the views, insights, and suggestions of a student representative on the school board can be an advantage to the board in its decision-making role regarding educational policies and programs
Sophomores or Juniors wishing to be selected as the school board student representative must complete an application form by the posted deadline. The selection will be made by a committee consisting of district employees. The student representative shall serve a one-year term.
About the Position
The student representative on the school board will attend all regular school board meetings while school is in session (with exceptions for illness or advance notice of conflicts).
The student representative will not be permitted to attend closed meetings.
The student representative, in consultation with the superintendent, may attend school board workshops and special meetings.
The superintendent will be responsible for providing the necessary training for the student representative to be successful in their role.
The student representative will be bound by all rules, policies, and regulations that bind the school board.
When requested, the student representative will present a report at regular meetings and may offer comments to the school board regarding items on the agenda that affect students.
The student representative will not have the right to make or second motions or vote on business matters before the board.
The student representative will disseminate information from the school board meeting to the student body in any manner practical; for example, report to the student council regarding matters that pertain to the student body, etc.
The student representative will not be furnished board materials such as, but not limited to:
Sensitive personnel matters,
Legal action strategy,
Negotiations strategy,
Individual student discipline,
Other confidential matters.
The student representative on the school board shall work to represent opinions of the student body and not solely the representative’s own opinions.
The student representative on the school board shall consult with the superintendent of schools in carrying out the responsibilities associated with serving as student representative on the school board.
The student representative will not be a member of a board standing committee.
Click Here to apply: Student BOE Rep Application